The FTC Fiori’s Ring, Used for tree care (felling, dismantling, etc.).
Technical Data
- Weight : 1kg
- MBS : 30,000 daN
- WLL : 6,000 daN
- Groove : U Groove Design
- Max Rope Diameter : 26MM
- Colour : Anthracite
Transport / Storage
Shocks and other poor treatment can weaken the material and cause serious, and even invisible, damage. During transport and use, take the necessary precautions. In a dry place, free from exposure to weather; shocks; heat sources more than 40 C; and abrasive, acidic or corrosive materials capable of damaging it and/or reducing its technical performance. Ropes soiled by dirt, sand, oil, etc., can cause a higher risk of wear to the pulley and lower pulley performance.
Technical Data:
- Competence of users (trained in tree care and especially in felling, dismantling, etc.)
- Existence of an emergency rescue plan
- Respect of the instructions and recommendations of use
- All labels are in place
- Rigging rope(s) is/are properly positioned within the sheave’s groove
- Solidness of the chosen support
- Compatibility and resistance of the rigging ropes and slings