
Climbing Harnesses

Harness the power of our large range of tree climbing arborist harnesses, from brands such as Edelrid, Teufelberger, Petzl, Skylotec and Notch, as well as all the accessories to go with them. We have a selection of climbing harnesses that have replaceable parts. These include Teufelberger’s Treemotion and Courant’s Koala Harness. If you already have the perfect climbing harness and simply need to replace a part, check out our spares category. Or, browse our range of tool clips if your harness needs an upgrade!

Try out your new climbing harnesses on our climbing wall!

Hit a wall with choosing the right arborist harness? We have a bespoke climbing area in our retail store for testing out our climbing harnesses. This is so that you can ensure it is the right harness for you, get the perfect type for your requirements, and put it to the test before you buy. Get in touch if you’d like any further help with any of our harnesses online, or visit us in person to try out your climbing harness.

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