To Book in your inspection
please call 01483 561362
Price List
Basic Climbing Inspection includes (Up to 20 items including 1 rope and 1 harness.)
£80 ex vat
Basic Rigging Inspection includes (Up to 15 items including 1 rope.)
£80 ex vat
Additional Rope
£10 ex vat
Additional Harness
£10 ex vat
Additional Textile
£5 ex vat
Additional Hardware
£5 ex vat
Resplice for damaged rope if applicable.
£35 ex vat
Before you send to us please note.
- Please ensure your kit is clean and dry
- Take equipment apart – Undo Knots etc
- Only send LOLER items – No spikes, saws, throwlines etc
All failed items will be left as inspected but quarantined seperately and you will be advised to destroy.
Please provide previous inspection records if possible.
What is a LOLER test?
A LOLER Test is the legal requirement for a thorough examination of Arboricultural equipment.
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) and has to be carried out by a qualified inspector to make sure that all equipment is in good shape and safe to use.
How often do I need my equipment testing?
Your equipment must undergo the LOLER test in these intervals;
Climbing Equipment – 6 Months
Rigging Equipment – 12 Months
If there has been any circumstances that may of compromised the safety of your equipment then this should be retested by a LOLER inspector sooner.
What is a LOLER Certificate?
The certificate is a report which is completed throughout the inspection and should contain the following;
- Examination Date.
- The date for next inspection.
- Details of each item.