Everything you need to upgrade your Spiderjack.
Like the SpiderJack 2.1 Basic but with the Dyneema Kit mounted. The Dyneema sling is attached on the body of the device but the ring must be fixed on to the karabiner of the device.
On the other end of the sling you can attach a karabiner for the spliced end of your rope. The Dyneema Kit allows to change the climbing system much more easily than before, when climbing with more than one rope and anchor point.
May 11th 2012
Like the SpiderJack 2.1 Basic but with the Dyneema Kit mounted. The Dyneema sling is attached on the body of the device but the ring must be fixed on to the karabiner of the device. On the other end of the sling you can attach a karabiner for the spliced end of your rope. The Dyneema Kit allows to change the climbing system much more easily than before, when climbing with more than one rope and anchor point.
Before climbing, always verify that the ring of the Dyneema Kit is connected onto your karabiner!