Hearing Protection Headband
Hearing Protection Headband
Hearing protection is often overlooked, but necessary to protect your long-term hearing. Honey Brothers offer a large selection of hearing protection from Peltor, Protos, Stihl and and more.
The noise reduction rating on a set of muffs is critical, and we offer several noise reduction ear muffs to fit your need. It’s vital to stay safe when loud sounds impact your ear canal. Don’t take ear protection for granted if you are often around loud noise. Hearing loss from unwanted noise is never ideal.
Whether you’re interested in earmuff style hearing protection or foam earplugs, we protect you from even the loudest power tools. With these products, you can defend your ear canals and experience maximum comfort in noisy environments. Protect your hearing with the best of the best hearing protection earmuffs on the market.
Should You Be Wearing Hearing Protection?
For many, noise reduction can seem like a pain. Why would you bother to add hearing protection headband if you can handle the noise? After all, it might be easier to keep your ear canal exposed while working to keep track of everything happening around you.
Unwanted noise higher than a certain decibel can result in hearing loss before you realize it. If your job requires you to be around power tools, you need noise reduction ear muffs to keep loud sounds under control. A solid pair of ear muffs, including some with Bluetooth headphones with an excellent noise reduction rating, will do the trick.
In most applications, there is a recommended decibel level that, if higher, you should have the best hearing protection possible. Ensure you research the recommendations in your area before working.
A quality pair of noise-reduction ear muffs will make your job less painful. You want something that can defend against loud noises, and more. For convenience, we offer Bluetooth hearing protection earmuffs as well.